Friday, September 11, 2009

Adding Top Tier SEO To Your New Ecommerce Site


I have been asked this question quite a bit recently and thought I should probably answer the question in more detail on our blog.

You create a brand new website and you want to get the search engines finding this website right away. What do you do?

Possible Solution:
Start submitting your website to every single directory and search engine known to mankind.

Yes, this will let the search engines know that you are here. However, it could take your website longer to get indexed this way. Here is what Google has to say on the subject:

“Inclusion in Google’s search results is free and easy; you don’t even need to submit your site to Google. Google is a fully automated search engine that uses software known as “spiders” to crawl the web on a regular basis and find sites to add to our index. In fact, the vast majority of sites listed in our results aren’t manually submitted for inclusion, but found and added automatically when our spiders crawl the web.”

So how do you get your website found on other websites for Google to find faster?

Possible Solution:

Start getting as many links to your website as possible by trading links with everyone and anyone.

Again, this is not really what Google had in mind either. If you want natural rankings, then you have to work on getting links to your website naturally.

Here are a few recommendations:
Since you have an ecommerce website, it would be only natural to have your products listed in different shopping search engines. This would also help you to get links into your website.

Since you have a new ecommerce website, it would be only natural to write a press release announcing the opening of your new online store. This would also help you to get links into your website.

Now it is time to throw in the secret sauce that I use for our customers and let me tell you, this works the fastest EVERY single time. Plus, it’s all natural!

The Secret Sauce Recipe
Create your own blog for your ecommerce website.


Instead of using Wordpress software, use Blogger.

Yes, Blogger is not as fancy as Wordpress and perhaps you do not get as many fancy shmancy features.

However, Blogger is owned by Google and it is amazing how quickly your posts will get picked up!


You NEVER have to worry about updating the software, installing important upgrades, and hackers injecting SEO killers either. Blogger takes care of it all for you so that you can concentrate on your ecommerce website which is FAR more important.

During setup, make sure to set up your Blogger account to FTP directly to your ecommerce URL.

Now all you need is the final secret ingredient, POST UNIQUE CONTENT DAILY!

Yeah, I screamed that. Sorry. But it is the most important part of the recipe. You cannot just throw up a blog and forget about it, especially in the beginning. You need to be writing on your blog once a day with great new fresh unique content.

This will help Google learn you have a wonderful new website, you are adding fresh content, Google needs to constantly be indexing your website for the latest updates, and other search engines will fall in line as well.

Follow these tips and your website will usually get picked up faster than a quarter dropped in a casino!

1 comment:

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