Friday, August 14, 2009

Daily SEO copywriting candy: When weird marketing is good…and bad


Am I the only one who thinks that the latest Burger King ads are a little…well…disturbing? Subservient Chickens? Whopper Virgins? At the same time, a good campaign gains sales and mindshare - and sometimes the weirdest ideas have the most legs (after all, who doesn’t remember the “Where’s the Beef” ads of the 80’s?)

It’s one thing to create a unique and edgy SEO copywriting campaign that’s ripe for viral marketing goodness. It’s another to create a campaign that backfires, leaving you with a reputation management mess (and no sales.) Here are some top good and bad examples from today’s headlines:

* Remember the Motrin Moms snafu? Motrin wasn’t the only brand to get slammed in the search engines, Twitter and blogs - there have been many other companies who crossed the line from cute into insulting. Check out iMedia Connections list of the most offensive campaigns.
* 300,000 YouTube hits in just two weeks? Who knew that a mounted talking fish could gain such a following? Learn what made McDonald’s Filet-O-Fish advertising a (weird) viral sensation.
* The holy grail of wacky marketing is to not only attract new customers and build brand awareness - but also create a new profit center. No-one does this better than the folks at BlendTec, who created the site. With over 100,000 YouTube subscribers, a huge increase in blender sales and a new profit center - advertising and DVD sales on the site - these guys have mastered monentizing the wacky and wonderful. Learn more from Tipping Point Labs.

Today’s SEO copywriting challenge: How can your company think out of the box and do something a little different? Maybe a new PPC campaign? Or you could test a Web page to see if a new tone and feel worked for you. Sometmes, going outside the norm can net some fantastic results.

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