Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Why SEO Will Remain a Constant Business Requirement

Resource: http://www.roi.com.au/index.php/search_engine_optimisation_seo/why_seo_will_remain_a_constant_business_requirement.html

The very structure of the search engine rankings, with 10 organic results on the first page of the SERPs, vying for limited traffic, each listing getting a smaller percentage of the traffic pie as the results slip lower on the page, makes the search engines a very competitive place. With the financial rewards awaiting those businesses that do make it to the top of the SERPs, it is a position worth fighting for. While the best way of getting there is through a targeted SEO strategy.

The Only Constant in SEO is Change

The search engine landscape has been changing dramatically since the 1990’s when search engines made their public debut and so did the various applied SEO methodologies to increase rankings. The SEO world has moved from link bombing with anchor text, buying hordes of links from inter-linking link farms and meta-tag optimisation to social media marketing and paid link networks as more advanced forms of SEO.

In SEO, change is constant. SEO firms need to put a lot of resource into R&D as well as learning and staying on top of the latest SEO trends. The search engines seek to become more sophisticated with each year, ranking websites according to the quality that they will deliver a user. For this reason, SEO companies have to maintain their competitiveness in order to continue to deliver quality results for clients.

Internet Adoption NOT Slowing Down

According to Cnet News, Internet users worldwide surpassed 1 billion in 2009 and now with people increasingly using mobile phones and particularly iPhones to access the Internet, people will be using the Internet even more frequently.

What this means for your business is that it is becoming increasingly important to capture a percentage of the traffic pie on the search engines. Whether it is through local SEO on Google Maps or traditional natural search SEO, when people are researching their purchase decisions, you want your business to be found!

Comparatively, SEO continues to be the cheapest form of marketing compared to traditional marketing. Online marketing as an industry is experiencing growth in a worldwide economy that is having a crippling affect on certain forms of traditional media, particularly the newspaper industry.

Do not be left behind. Even though marketing budgets may be lower, sales may be down and the economy still looks shaky, now is the time to grab market share from competitors because your company will come out as a stronger player once the economy starts to move out of the recession. SEO is one of the keys to capturing that market share!

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