Saturday, May 30, 2009

Security websites taken down by unhappy hackers


Two prominent websites that specialise in remote access software have been taken offline by a DDoS attack orchestrated by a group of hackers who have taken offence at comments posted about them.

Advertisement, an established website run by security expert Greg Hoglund, has been offline for almost a week. Two other sites, operated by a prominent rootkit author known as "Holy Father" have also been taken down in the attacks, which are believed to be the work of a group of Bulgarian and Turkish hackers known as the SIS-Team.

The attack against began on Tuesday 5 April, after someone using the name "ATmaCA" posted an inflammatory message to one of the discussion groups on the site that advertised a number of malicious remote access software programs sold by SIS Team, including SIS-Downloader, ProAgent and SIS-IExploiter, Hoglund said.

The programs are powerful spyware tools that, when combined, enable remote attackers to secretly compromise other machines using attack Web pages. They are sold online at websites like and are popular with those behind spam campaigns, who use the tools to plant remote control programs that are then used to send out spam, Hoglund said.

The post by ATmaCA prompted curt responses from members, who objected to authors using the discussion forum as a venue to advertise their commercial software. Other rootkits discussed on are open source, and authors typically post links to their source code on the site, Hoglund said.

In the flame war that erupted between the SIS-Team members and the contributors, questions were also raised about the quality of the SIS-Team products. Some regulars alleged that the tools were poorly written and frequently crashed machines they ran on, Hoglund said.

Within hours of the first post from ATmaCA, the website was under attack by a network of more than 500 compromised computers, or bots, that flooded the site with about 170,000 requests a second, making it unreachable for most Internet users, he said.
Two rootkit-focused websites operated by Holy Father were also downed by DDoS attack after that person posted remarks critical of ATmaCA and SIS-Team.


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In both cases, extortion e-mail was sent to the website owner following the DDoS attacks saying that the owners could end the attacks by posting public apologies to ATmaCA and SIS-Team on their websites.

Hoglund is angry and unrepentant: "I find it very offensive that a public website that does nothing but share information is attacked by a bunch of immature children. These are hackers who can't stand on their own merits. They make claims for their software, and then can't argue about it, but just DDoS their critics off the Internet."

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