Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Page Rank And Search Engine Optimization (SEO) - Trick or Treat?

By Internet MLM Now

Search Engine TREATment... Don't Try To Trick - Treat!

Treat search engines right and they will come back for more! SEO isn't all that tricky but if you are they won't like it!

There are so many, many treats that they do like that there is absolutely no need to be tricky:)

Three treats are listed that I know search engines love. But for more goodies, LOTS of them, learn SEO click by click, not trick by trick:)

Search Engine TREATment... Don't Try To Trick - Treat!

Treat search engines right and they will come back for more! SEO isn't all that tricky but if you are they won't like it!

There are so many, many treats that they do like that there is absolutely no need to be tricky:)

Three treats are listed that I know search engines love. But for more goodies, LOTS of them, learn SEO click by click, not trick by trick:)

Don't Use Artificial Flavoring. Be Natural! SEO Treats
Don't Use Artificial Flavoring. Be Natural! SEO Treats

Goodies That Aren't Gooey

Goodie #1 Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Don't use artificial flavoring.

When I put up a webpage, I just write in the same way that I would talk with someone. You know, I just socialize a little. That's why I like Internet network marketing. It's almost entirely focused on internet social media marketing - in other words, networking websites.

Experts believe that pagerank is influenced by how many "friends" we have at the place where our webpage is, like here at Hubpages. If we are natural and add value instead of flavoring our articles with artificial hype, then we will attract more friends and more Google attention.

SEO Goodies AreMore Like Natural Foods

See, Google has noticed that we, being real people, no longer respond to gooey artificial hype - at least not as much as we used to. So gooey is out and all natural is in.

BTW, I'm not talking about (Guwei ++), a spinoff of the popular programming language C++. Believe me I don't even know what Guwei is. I'm not a programmer but I just wanted to let those of you who are programmers know that this is not a slam on the old chat room called Gooey :)

So Goodie #1 is SEO, which is very important to pagerank but we have to be more natural about it. After writing for a while as you would naturally talk, then go back and optimize a little.

Be Bold But Not Too Bold

Look through to see if some of your phrases could be changed to keywords that your target audience will search for and then make a few of those bold. Just a few, otherwise too much bolding looks tricky. Treat Google with only a few bold keywords.

Link A Little

Hyperlinks can be SEO tricks or treats, depending on how natural you are with them. If all you do is constantly link to your articles and websites and no one elses, that gets a little sickening - a little gooey.

Ok To Use Jam - Just Not This Kind!
Ok To Use Jam - Just Not This Kind!
Goodies That Are Safe

Goodie #2 Internet Traffic

Don't play in the street. When we were kids out trick or treating, we were in nice safe neighborhoods with little traffic on the streets. No one goes to the highway to trick or treat.

When we try to get search engine attention using high traffic keywords, it's like playing on the highway. We're in danger of not being seen. We can get run over in the fast lane of internet traffic.

Keyword Phrases

After I put up a web page of content, the keyword phrases I use to optimize my site are not high traffic keywords. For example, I recently wrote an article called "SEO 20/20 Get Real." I wanted to get Goodie #1 across to people.

If I had called it SEO Get Real, no one would find me. The keyword "SEO" is too competitive. But SEO 20/20 does get traffic, not a lot but plenty and it is extremely targeted traffic. People who know about Charles Heflin's website called SEO 20/20 search for it.

Targeted Internet Traffic

So, to get internet traffic, aim for targeted, less broad keyword phrases so you will be seen. If you get run over by high traffic, you won't have any goodies to give. I stayed safe with a less competitive but related keyword phrase, SEO 20/20 and they found me! Just Google "SEO 20/20" and see if I'm still on page one!

What Actully Works Best? No One Knows For Sure. It's Like A Box Of Chocolates...
What Actully Works Best? No One Knows For Sure. It's Like A Box Of Chocolates...
Goodies That Are ""

Goodie #3 Bookmarking ...mmm !

So here's another truly delicious goodie - bookmarking. Search engines love Digg, StumbleUpon,, etc. For example, two days ago, I submitted an article to Propeller and I found it on Google, page three after two days. Now it's on page one. It's this article! Google "Search Engine Trick Or Treat" and you will probably still see me!

What's the matter? You don't think that many people would type that in as a keyword phrase?? How does the result 199,000 sound? Try it. Check the results and then see what page I'm on. It looks like this:
SEO and Page Ranking: Is It Trick Or Treat? » Propeller

SEO and Page Ranking: Is It Trick Or Treat? Money - Here are three goodies that are a treat to search engines, meaning they will come back for more! ... - 22k -

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